Apps Market - Tree Map

In this article, you're going to learn how to use the Tree Map App, available in the Apps Market inside the Platform. Screenshot_-_2020-08-18T081250.381.png
Contents of this article: 



This application allows to visualise and rank all your locations by their consumption on a "Tree map" and know how the consumption is distributed comparing with the other locations of your portfolio.

A "tree map" is a visual representation where each node can have zero or more children (or sub-locations) and one parent. Each node is displayed as a rectanglesized and coloured according to values that you assign.


Available frequencies

The available frequencies in this App are all the frequencies that you have configured in the Preferences section of the Platform (Settings --> Preferences).

It can go from 5 min to monthly.



Available parameters

These are all the available energy sources with the consumption parameter associated:

  • Electricity - 402
  • Gas - 420
  • Water - 901
  • Diesel - 433
  • Heat - 802



In order to be able to use this app you will need first:

  1. To send data to the platform
  2. To accept the devices and datapoints generated when the data gets into the platform.
  3. To assign those devices to their corresponding location.
  4. To install the app through the platform Apps market.
  5. Configure the reference meters for each location.

How does it work?

Once you have all the locations of your facility created and well configured, it's time to analyse what is your consumption compared to other locations that are in the same sublevel or against the total.

Thus, we can see quickly what locations are consuming more or have a higher ratio of consumption. In the picture below, you can see how the location that is painted in red, has a higher ratio of consumption by surface, but is not the one which consumes the most or is bigger regarding the surface, since the dimension of the rectangle is smaller than for other locations.

  1. Energy sources: energy source wanted to be analysed: electricity, gas, water, etc.
  2. Dates: date range for which you would like to carry out the analysis.
  3. Reference device: reference meter configured in all locations to analyse. The analysis will be done by the main device, HVAC, lighting, etc. So, you should have properly configured the reference meter for all the locations.
  4. Ratios: select as many ratios as you need to carry out the analysis.
  5. Area dimension: you can do the analysis showing as dimension reference the Surface or the Consumption of the location.
  6. Levels displayed: number of sublevels displayed. By default, it's shown the maximum number of sublevels configured in the tree. Learn more about how to create the hierarchy of locations.
  7. Calculate values for hierarchy sublevels: option to do the analysis for the intermediate sublevels. By default, the intermediate sub-leves won't be calculated and they will appear in grey.
  8. Zoom out: You can zoom in by clicking on a sublevel. To go back to a higher level, click on "Zoom Out" button  5b7576d4b6c8c.png



This is a free app, so you won't have to pay to download it.

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