This article explains how to manage devices on the platform. It is divided into the following sections:
Meaning of pending, accepted, rejected and deleted devices
When you insert data for a device the first time, the device is automatically created in the platform. However, the device is created in the status: Pending. The pending status means that it is required that a user accepts or rejects the device before being able to use it in the platform.
When a device is accepted, you are able to display its data in all the visualisation screens in the platform. You are also able to decide which parameters from that device are relevant to you.
When a device is rejected, the data that has been inserted for that device is still stored in our database but it cannot be displayed in the analysis screens. This device won't be billed.
When a device is deleted, it does not appear in the platform anymore. This means you cannot accept it back. Once a device is deleted, there is no way back. Both the device and the data related to it are no longer available. Make sure before you delete a device, if they are being used as historical device of another device, it can remain rejected (not billable), but not deleted.
How to accept or reject pending devices?
When you have a pending device, you should accept or reject it. There are 3 options:
- Accept: The device will be accepted and you will be able to choose which parameters you would like to include into the platform.
- Accept all parameters: The device will be accepted and all the parameters that have been received for this devices will be automatically accepted as well.
- Reject: The device will not be accepted and will go to the list of rejected devices (you will be able to accept it later).
When you accept a device (option 1), you will be able to choose the parameters the following way:
You should select or des-select these variables in order to include them in the platform. Then, you should click on "Save". Each of these variables will account for one datapoint.
In case you have a lot of pending devices, you might accept them all by clicking on the button found underneath the list: Accept all devices. This will automatically accept all the devices and all the parameters.
You can
How to include more datapoints for an accepted device?
Sometimes, you might receive more datapoints for a device that was already accepted in the platform. Then, you will see the following information:
You will see the number of new datapoints you have received and the option to accept all datapoints at once. You could whether click this button or:
- Click on the parameters button next to the device that has received new data:
- This menu will appear and the new datapoint will be highlighted in yellow. You should click on "Save" if you would like to keep this variable, or des-select the variable before clicking on "Save".
Please note that the same procedure could be followed to stop including variables in the platform.
Important. If you have pending datapoints among your accepted devices, you will not be able to accept new devices.
You can also accept or directly reject all devices and their parameters at once with the checkbox:
How to reject a device that is accepted?
Once a device has been accepted, you can reject it by:
- Selecting it (or them, if you want to reject more than one at the same time).
- Click on actions
- Click on reject
You can also do it entering each Device's settings:
- Click on the device you would like to reject
- Change the status of the device from Accepted to Rejected3. Then, click on "Save".
How to accept a device that is rejected?
Once a device is rejected, you can accept it again by clicking on Accept the device:
If you cannot see this option, it is likely you have pending datapoints to be accepted among your Accepted devices.
How to delete a device?
In order to delete a device you first need to reject it, and then click on the Delete button:
Please note that if you delete a device, the device and its information would be completely deleted in the platform and it will not be possible to recover it.
If the rejected device is set as historical device from an accepted device, that data will disappear from the accepted device too.
Other basic settings of Devices
By clicking on the "Edit" button for each device, you can see this device's settings.
Here you can:
- Change the name of the device
- Add a description (only visible in the Gateway screen)
- Change the status
- Set a historical device
- Create Derived parameters. Only from the parameters that are being already inserted in this device
Some of these fields can be updated in bulk with the in bulk Excel file.