Threshold alerts in-bulk


In this article, you will learn how to set up threshold alerts in-bulk.


Why threshold alerts in-bulk?

The threshold alert is one of the alert types that are available to set up in the EM platform. Check out this article to learn more about this type of alert.

As you might know, alerts in the EM platform need to be set up by location, and this can be very limiting when dealing with big portfolios.

That's why we have implemented an Excel file in order to be able to set up several alerts of the same type all at once.

The process for this configuration is similar to the regular in-bulk set up of the platform: You need to set up your alerts in the Threshold Alert Excel file (attached in this article) and, after that, send it to our support team at They will upload the file for you and with a blink of an eye you will find all your alerts automatically set up in your account.


Set up your Threshold Alert in-bulk Excel file

You can find the Threshold Alert in-bulk Excel file template attached at the end of this article.

This template contains 2 different tabs:


This tab contains the basic configuration of the alerts divided by columns.


  • Location key: key of the location for which the alert will be configured (1 row per location).
  • Name: name that you want to give to the alert.
  • Condition parameter: Dexma ID of the parameter that you want to analyse. You can find the whole list of parameters here. Please note that we need you to define 3 digits and 5 digits parameters separately, in order to understand the frequency of the data.
  • Condition signal: this can be <, <=, > and >=.
  • Condition value: which is the value that defines the threshold to which the data will be compared in order to trigger (or not) the alert.
  • Consecutive measurements: how many times the condition has to be fulfilled consecutively for the alert to be triggered (this can be just 1 time or up to as many as you desire).
  • Devices to which the alert applies: device_key of each device for which the alert should be applied. For each location, it can be 1 or more than 1 device (separated by comma).
    Last key must end with a comma.
  • Notices each X event: how often the alert should be sent. The options are: 30 min, hour, 8 hours, day, week, month.
  • Send notice by email: TRUE or FALSE, depending on whether the alert should be sent by email or not.
  • Email list: List of emails of the users that should receive the alert (separated by comma).
    Last email must end with a comma.



This tab contains a half-hourly calendar (the lowest resolution possible for the alerts).


In this calendar, you will need to set up with an ON the hours for which the alert should be active and with a NONE the hours for which the alert should be deactivated.



However, before proceeding with filling out the template, keep in mind that this task involves an additional time commitment. For further details, please consult your Customer Success Engineer.

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