Energy Apps Market



In this article you're going to learn what can you find in the Apps market and how to use it:

Contents of this article:


The EMS platform has an Apps market where you can extend your functionalities integrating with a growing number of applications. 


Apps available






Operating Hours

Install this app to analyze the amount of energy consumed in specific periods of time (office opening hours, factories' shifts...)

Data Quality

Analyze the quality of your data by checking the number of gaps that you have and forecast your consumption to make your analysis more effective.

Carbon Emissions

Convert your Energy and Water consumption to Carbon and GHG Emissions in a very easy way to track your company emissions.

Location Map

Visualize the consumption of your locations in Google Maps! Generate a ranking using ratios for benchmarking the locations.


This application allows you to monitor the solar generation production of your facility. Also, you can differentiate what represents consumption, what represents self-consumption and what represents sale. 

Indexed Prices

Application that lets you import wholesale prices to your project based on the formula you contracted with your supplier. 



Demand Load

This external application calculates the Demand Load for all your devices, it compares it with the contracted load and it indicates the possible load excess penalties.

Virtual devices calculation

This application allows you to create new virtual devices using existing devices and establishing formulas defined by the user.

[ES App] Power Optimization

Optimize the subscribed power of your supplies according to the new Spanish tariffs, in force from June 1, 2021.  

Synoptic App

This App allows you to create synoptic charts that simulate your installation, through flow charts and all kinds of indicators (both numeric and text) based on the available parameters and configurable time ranges.

Manual Readings

Import readings manually and forget about Excels or csv files. This app can help you to delete peaks observed in the platform.

Fuel Tank Manager

Manage your Fuel tanks, import your readings and loads and convert them into consumption!


Aoided cost report (PV)

Prepare a report that allows you to calculate the cost avoided by generating energy through a photovoltaic installation. 

Automatic Baseline Calc

Calculate base formulas using linear regression that you can use in measurement and verification projects. 

Access Token

Perform read queries against our public API using the token generated by this application.

[ES App] Gas Qd analysis report



Run Energy Apps Market Apps under Safari web browser

To run Energy Apps Market Apps under Safari web browser, you should unable the cookies blocker. Let's see how to do it:

  1. Open your safari web browser
  2. Go to "Settings" menu > select "Preferences"
  3. Click on "Privacy" tab.
  4. In the "Block cookies" selector, choose "Never".

Screenshot 2023-10-19 at 12.53.47.png

That's all, now you should access to Energy Apps Market apps without any problem.


Generate new Apps

With our Apps Market you have also the option of generating your own apps, and even sell them.

How to do that?

To create the app you must use our open API. You'll find more information in this article.

Once you have created the app, in the backend of the platform you'll be able to decide if you want to publish it and, in that case, if you want to put a price to it (and which) or give free access.




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