In this article you are going to learn how to visualise data in the platform.
Contents of this article:
How to visualise data?
This is the first question that everyone asks themselves when working with the Platform. How do I get value from it?
Well, it's easy if you have all the information you need from your client :)
From reality to the platform
1. Insert data
The first step, and most important, is to insert your data into the platform through one or more gateways. To do this, please follow our Start sending data article.
Once the 1st step is completed, you will have in the platform a gateway with one or more devices (meters) and each meter with one or more parameters (datapoints). To learn more about the relation between gateways and meters visit this article from our support website.
2. Accept or reject datapoints and devices
Now it's the time to decide which of those parameters are useful to analyse and which are not. To do so, go to the settings --> gateway and inside the gateway --> devices. At the Classification pending devices you will be able to accept or reject parameters or even devices.
The parameters with a tick will be accepted when clicking on Save. For more information, visit this article.
At this point, all the information about the meters is inside the platform but is not at all organised. Now the next step is to translate to the platform the reality of the field and sort the information properly with this goal.
Organisation of the metering in the platform
3. Locations hierarchy creation
To do this, you need to have a clear hierarchy of the sites of your customer and create it in the platform following this article.
4. Devices assignation
Once this hierarchy is established, each device (meter) needs to be assigned to its proper location (from the settings --> location, and inside the location --> devices). Note: 1 meter can only be assigned to 1 location (or zone or sublocation), but it can be accessed from that location or the locations underneath it by hierarchy.
5. When this is done, you can already access your data from the Analysis section.
Let's start saving energy!
Keep in mind that depending on the parameter that you have inserted, it will be visible in one screen or not. For example, the Consumption and comparison screens are strictly for consumtion parameters (electricity, gas, water) while, for example, in the Air Quality screen you will be able to see parameters such as humidity and temperature. There are also screens where you can see all parameters, like Advanced Analytics.
Furthermore, in the Preferences section (inside Settings), you can define some visualisation characteristics such as the surface units or the frequency that you want to be able to check.
Here's a small diagram of the relations between Analyse screen (visualisation) and Settings screen.
- Having meters with data in the platform.
- If possible it's important to have decided the full organisation of locations and its hierarchy. A well defined location structure it's a key point to navigate through the entire profile on the Analysis screen. Check this article for more information about locations and location hierarchy.
Tips and tricks
How to notice that data is arriving to the platform?
There are several indicators:
- A pop-up at the bottom of the screen in case you are sending data from a device that does not exist in the platform yet.
- In settings --> gateways, on the top right of the screen, you have an indicator about how many readings are in the queue of the account.
- In settings --> gateways, you will see in orange how many datapoints are pending to be accepted in each gateway.
- Clicking inside the device, this information appears too.
Why can't I accept new pending devices?
If you are trying to accept datapoints from new devices, they will appear on classification pending devices. But you won't have the button of accepting them. This happens because you have pending datapoints to be accepted on the list of accepted devices. The datapoints from accepted devices have to be accepted before a new meter is accepted.
Check the accepted devices and decide if you want to accept or reject the new parameters. Once this is done, the accept button on classification pending devices will appear again and you will be able to proceed with managing the new ones.
Accept all the datapoints at the same time
If you have lots of data coming in the platform, you have the possibility of accepting them all at the same time. Click Accept all devices to do so.
- Gateway: is the datalogger used to keep the information coming from data insertion.
- Device: represents the meter that is measuring real data in the installation on the platform. It can store data from different parameters.
- Parameter / Datapoint: a measurable factor of a set; a storage unit that contains monitored data of a specific parameter. They belong to a device.
- Location: Link between the data that has been inserted on the software and the real installation.