Discovering Detect


In this article, you are going to learn about DETECT.

Introduction to DETECT

The EM Platform includes three different products: Detect, Analyse and Optimise.


Detect is considered the first step in the energy efficiency journey: a savings detection tool. It determines which buildings in your portfolio offer the greatest potential for savings and what technologies/energy savings measures can be adopted to be more competitive.


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When facing a multisite energy efficiency project, where a certain number of facilities must be analysed, the same doubts always appear: How much can I save? Which buildings have more potential? What technologies are the best for my building portfolio? Detect answers all these questions, reducing the risk and costs associated with these decisions.

Detect is founded on a combination of energetic, simulation, and artificial intelligence (AI) models that can be performed massively and without the need to install meters or any type of hardware.


Who might be interested in the product?

You may find this product useful if you want to answer the following questions:

  • Which buildings in my portfolio are the worst performers in terms of energy efficiency?
  • Where should I invest my resources to reduce energy consumption in my buildings?
  • What kind of service would be best to offer to every building?
  • What is my energy savings potential?
  • How am I performing versus similar buildings?
  • What can I do to improve my energy behaviour? 


Requirements in order to use DETECT

In order to start using DETECT, you should include, at least, monthly consumption data into the platform and organise the inserted information. To learn more about the required information plus the configuration steps that should be carried out, please visit this article.


What does DETECT offer for each building?

  • Your efficiency vs similar buildings. Detect compares your building against up to 100 buildings in our database with similar consumption patterns, weather conditions and building activity. With that information, it provides 3 KPIs for each building:
    • A mark (or grade) between 0 and 100 to each of them. Buildings with a mark close to 0 indicate a great potential for savings while those close to 100 are considered efficient buildings.
    • A comparison of your building vs average and efficient buildings
    • Annual estimated savings percentage that could be achieved if the building became more efficient. 


  • Portfolio analysis. Detect provides multiple visualisations that can help identify the distribution of your portfolio according to different needs. 
  • Data quality. Detect analyses the data quality in your account, helping you identify possible errors and therefore, be able to correct them. To learn more, check this article.
  • Monthly energy behaviour. Detect checks the historical consumption and provides a clearer picture of the way each building is behaving through 5 key metrics:
    • Comparison against average consumption
    • Comparison against weather severity
    • Day of the week with more consumption
    • Hour of the day with more consumption
    • Monthly distribution of your consumption


  • Top recommendations for each month. Detect simulates energy efficiency measures for each building to identify sustainable ways to save energy and improve your performance:
    • Virtual audit retrofits that require investment
    • Complementary retrofits, that explain the benefits of making an investment
    • Standard tips to become more efficient.


To learn more about the technical process followed to generate these results, please check the article on Detect architecture.


Detect UI, dashboards and reports

All of Detect results can be visualised in:

  1. Detect's specific UI: Available for the whole portfolio and for each individual location
  2. Detect report: Available for each location once a month
  3. Detect dashboards: Available for locations and zones within your portfolio. Check more in this section.

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