Electricity prices concepts


The platform offers a lot of possibilities for configuring prices. In this article, you will learn how to configure all the price concepts.

These are the 6 steps that have to be configured in order to have a price completely defined:


  1. Price definition
  2. Consumption prices
  3. Contracted load prices definition
  4. Excess power
  5. Excess reactive penalty
  6. Other costs and taxes


Prices definition

On this window, you must choose all the billing structures that will be configured on the following steps (from 2 to 6). Click here to learn how to fulfil this information on the Platform.



Consumption prices

Options available:

Based on wholesale market

This option is just available in Spain. If you choose this option, you have to choose between the frequencies 30 min or hourly.


Then, you will need to choose which are the needed concepts to calculate your hourly energy cost. Learn more about the Wholesale Market App.


Based on tariff structure

You will have to fulfil the periods with each energy cost. Depending on the chosen tariff, you will have to fulfil more or fewer periods. 



Contracted load prices definition

Options available:

By periods

By choosing this option, you will have to fulfil the contracted load of the different periods of the chosen tariff.



Unique period [kW]

Choose this option if the power cost is applied to active power measured in kW units. And it's calculated just for one unique period. 



Unique period [kVA]

Choose this option if the power cost is applied to apparent power measured in kVA units. And it's calculated just for one unique period. 




Unique period - Mexico

This option is used for Mexican tariffs. 



By periods with reduction coefficient

Fulfil the following fields with this information:

  • Contracted load: Cost that will be applied to the apparent power.
  • Reduction cost: Reduction cost applied to the total cost calculated on the apparent power. 



Excess power

If your tariff has penalties for excess power choose the option that this penalty should be applied. 

Current relevant Excess power strategies in the platform

The other strategies available, do not apply anymore, as they have been replaced by the former strategies, or they are obsolete:

Demand excess - Simple formula (Circ 3/2020, Contadores tipo 4 y 5)

This strategy uses hourly data to calculate the penalties.

Demand excess - Complex formula (Circ 3/2020, Contadores tipo 1, 2 y 3) (Only avaiable for TD Spanish tarifs)

This strategy uses quarter-hourly data to calculate the penalties. If there is no quarter-hourly data available, it will estimate it using half-hourly or hourly data in order to calculate the penalty. This an exception to the general rule in the platform where we do not estimate readings for higher resolutions which was added in order to allow Datadis users to have Excess power data for their devices, as Datadis only supplies hourly data for now.

Peak hours power - Portugal

This strategy returns half-hourly data for the excess. The excess is calculated only during P1.





85-105% Rule



Quarterly excess penalty by period



By periods with reduction coefficient




By periods based on period maximum demand




Excess reactive penalty

This concept indicated through which method are the excess of reactive penalized. If you want to get more information about the option chosen click the view button next to the field:


Options available:

Based on percentage table reactive power / active

Reactive power penalty based on defined blocks with the percentage of reactive energy versus active energy as boundaries. Blocks are configurable and a price must be associated to each of them. 


Here you have a real example of an electrical contract where reactive penalties are calculated in basis an Active Energy percentage table.

Contract says that tracts are as follows:

  • From 0% to 50% of Active Energy = 0 €/ kVArh
  • From 50% to 75% of Active Energy = 0.0323 €/ kVArh
  • From 75% to 100% of Active Energy = 0.0421 €/ kVArh

So, we need to fill reactive energy penalty section as follows:


Save and You're done!


Based on phi cosinus 

Reactive power penalty based on the Phi (Φ) cosinus or Power Factor calculated from active and reactive energy consumed in each tariff period (P1.. Pn) during the billing period. Slots are fully configurable and a price must be associated to each of them.



Based on Reactive Excess (Circ 3/2020) - Electricity

Reactive energy penalty based on the Phi cosinus calculated from active energy and both inductive and capacitive reactive energy:


Inductive based on percentages table + capacitive - portugal


Reactive Inductive energy penalty based on defined blocks with the percentage of reactive energy versus active energy as boundaries, in periods (P1, P2) per day, and aggregated in the billing period. Blocks are configurable and a price must be associated to each of them. Reactive Capacitive energy penalty based in periods (P3, P4) during the billing period. Price is configurable.


Based on CFE formulas - Mexico (legacy)

Penalty / Bonus reactive power based on the formulas defined 
by CFE (Federal Electricity Commission) of Mexico.



Based on CNFl formulas(legacy)


Reactive power penalty based on the Phi (Φ) cosinus or Power Factor calculated from active and reactive energy consumed in each tariff period (P1.. Pn) during the billing period and based on the CNFL formulas.



Other costs and taxes

In order to adapt as much as we can to your tariffs you can add the additional costs in this part. 

Options available:



This concepts are applied to the total consumption. The options available are: 

  • Variable energy charge (Um/kWh): Applied to each kWh. 
  • Variable discount %: Applied to the total consumption. 

Contracted load

This concepts are applied to the total contracted load. This are the concepts available. 
  • Fixed discount (%): Applied to the total contracted power. 
  • Variable power charge (UM/kW): Applied to the contracted power. 
  • Variable power charge (UM/kVA): Applied to the contracted power. 
  • Variable power charge per day (UM/kVA/day): Applied to the contracted power per day.    


  • TAX (%): Taxes applied to the total price.
  • Fixed energy charge (UM/day): Fixed charges applied every period. 
  • Total discount before TAX (%): Add the value of discount to be applied before TAXES.
  • VAT (%):  This specific TAX is to contemplate the valued add tax. You can define the value that is applied in your country. 

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