This article describes how to upload historical data to the platform and how to manage it once it has been inserted. It is divided into the following sections:
1. Uploading historical data into the platform
The platform considers as historical, data with date previous to the last value inserted into the platform. This would mean that if you have never inserted data into a certain device and you do so chronologically, this will not be considered historical, even if it refers to data from years ago.
1.1 Sending and importing data to the platform
If you are planning on uploading historical data into the platform, we propose you to read the article in which we explain the different methodologies that can be followed.
Once you have decided which is the best methodology for you, we would recommend you to check the second section of this article.
1.2 Obtaining historic data for Degree Days devices
Introducing historical degree days data into the Platform is pretty easy. Let's see how!
First of all, you need to create degree day parameters in your account. In order to so, please check the article in which this procedure is described. allows you to download until 36 months of historical data for free. If your desired weather station does not have enough historical data, we advise taking Airport Weather stations.
You need to select your weather station by writing the city or the weather ID, then select if you would like Heating or Cooling degree days, Celcius or Fahrenheit, the base temperature (16ºC) and the frequency (daily). Then select the range of time you would like and click on "Generate Degree Days".
Once you have both Heating and Cooling degree days excels, it is time to put all this information into an Excel template, with the correct parameters and device identifier. The device identifier is the Key that can be found inside the meteorological station.
The device Key is usually "DD-XXXX", in this case: DD-108206. The parameters related to degree-days are:
- 18021 - Cooling Degree Days
- 18121 - Heating Degree Days
- 18221 - Mixed Degree Days (sum of cooling and heating)
Now you should fill these variables and copy and paste data to the template, save and upload it! Here you can see an example of how the spreadsheet looks like:
In case you have any question regarding how to fill the excel files, please check this article.
2. Managing historical data in the platform
Once you have decided which is the methodology you will follow to upload the historical data, you might follow two different strategies:
- If you have the data in two different devices, you might join them.
- If you are inserting historical data of a device that already exists in the platform, you can upload it directly into that device.
2.1 Joining historical devices
- One meter has been substituted by another and you want to link the information between them.
- You have historical data for a device X that is still not registered in the platform. You can then insert data with a device Y, and once the device X is registered in the platform, join both of them.
1. You should go to Settings > Gateways > Edit Gateways > Devices
3. The historical device can have another device as historical data. The Platform allows up to 5 concatenations between devices.
2.2 Including historical data in an existent device
You have two options:
- Download discrete data, i.e. quarter-hourly or hourly data.
- Download cumulative data.
If you would like to download discrete data, you can do so from the consumption screen. However, we would recommend you to download cumulative data if the option is possible.
1. First, you should go to the Advanced Analytics screen: