Operating Hours Reports


In this article, you're going to learn everything about the reports generated through the Operating Hours App.

Contents of this article:



The Operating Hours Reports are very useful to analyse your consumption depending on the schedules and Calendars of your sites. The EMS platform offers the possibility to create 4 different types of reports from the Operating Hours app.

On these reports, you can get the consumption values depending on the timetables as an excel file. Learn more about the Operating Hours App.

Available frequencies

  • Unique (Custom)
  • Monthly
  • Weekly
  • Daily

Available data sources

  • Electricity
  • Gas
  • Water
  • Gasoil
  • Exported energy
  • Thermal (heating)
  • Thermal (cooling)
  • Compressed air volume
  • Temperature
  • Indoor temp
  • Outdoor temp
  • Solar radiation
  • Humidity
  • Liquefied natural gas (LNG)
  • Biomass


  • Devices with data.
  • Install the Operating hour app on your account. 
  • Having at least one calendar created and assigned to a location. 
  • 30 min frequency data.
  • Configure the reference meters of each location.


  • By locations

In order to configure the reports go to Reports --> New report --> Operating Hours. Choose the energy source, the Reference device, the locations, the users with access, and the frequency of generation of the report. 


Types of report Available

There are 4 different types of Operating Hours reports that can be generated. They can be configured through the reports screen by adding a new report. This is the list of Operating Hours Reports available on the Platform: 


League Table

This report shows a summary of consumption per device that was consumed in the different time periods (open, close, weekends...) and its corresponding percentage. 

Excel contents

  • Summary table: Contains the information about the account, customer, energy source, reference meter and the dates.
  • Columns: Total consumption, Open times consumption, Close times consumption, Open consumption percentage and close consumption percentage. 
  • Rows: Devices




This report generates an excel table with the consumption depending on the different time periods (open, close, weekends...) of your sites.

Excel contents

  • Summary table: Contains the information about the account, customer, energy source, reference meter and the dates.
  • Colors: There are many, depending on the number of time periods that you add. In this example: in blue open times in red closing times.
  • Columns: Date, hour and devices' names assigned to the location chosen on the report configuration.
  • Rows: Consumption per hour of each device.




This report generates an excel table with the consumption per hours per day of each location. Indicating with color the timetable. 

Excel contents

  • Summary table: Contains the information about the account, customer, energy source, reference meter and the selected dates.
  • Colors: There are many, depending on the number of time periods that you add. In this example: in blue open times in red closing times.
  • Columns: Date, Location name, hours. 
  • Rows: consumption values underlined in the open and close colors. 




This report generates an excel table with the periods of each hour per location.

Excel contents

  • Summary table: Contains the information about the account, customer, energy source, reference meter and the selected dates.
  • Colors: There are many, depending on the number of time periods that you add. In this example: in blue open times in red closing times.
  • Columns: Date, Location name, hours. 
  • Rows: Period



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