Avoided Cost report (PV)


In this article you will learn everything about the PV Avoided Cost report:


The purpose of this report is to calculate the avoided cost of generating energy through a PV installation.

The avoided cost is the difference between the cost that would have been without PV generation minus the actual cost with PV generation running.


Available frequencies

  • Monthly
  • On demand (unique)

Available energy sources

  • Electricity
  • Produced electricity


  • By location


  • General meter (assigned as reference meter) at the corresponding location with Active Energy and Exported Energy data. This device must represent the exchange with the grid. It does not matter if the installation is a 0 injection installation.
    • Note: Even if your installation is not exporting energy to the grid, the energy produced parameter (452) of this device must be accepted in Dexma. Additionally, it is also necessary to assign the produced energy supply to the location.
  • Photovoltaic device (assigned as reference meter) at the corresponding location with Energy Produced data.
  • Building Consumption Device (assigned as reference meter in Machinery) with Active Energy data.

NOTE: As DEXMA does not yet have the option to select the Reference Device that shows the consumption of the building independently of the Fiscal Meter, the following solution is temporary:

The application will assume that the consumption of the building is the Reference Device MACHINERY, as shown in the following image:


This device must be configured in the platform, either from a real meter or from a virtual meter (using the Virtual Devices App).

Device reference MACHINERY = Device Consumption Building = Grid Consumption + Energy Consumption produced by PV - Energy Exported to Grid.


Assign Supplies and prices

After assigning the different devices for each reference device, supplies and prices must now be assigned

It is necessary that all meters have their price assigned in order to calculate the cost.

In the tab Assign Supplies and prices, within the Location configuration, for the energy source Electricity you have to assign:

  • The Fiscal Meter device (General reference device, 402).
  • The device Total Consumption of the building (Machinery Reference Device, 402)

For the Exported Electricity energy source, you have to assign:

  • The device Fiscal Meter (General Reference Device, 452)
  • The device Electricity Produced by PV Plant (Reference Device Photovoltaic, 452)


Detailed Report


  1. Period that is being reported

  2. Net energy : is the sum of the consumed energy from the Main Supply

  3. Consumed energy : sum of the consumed energy from the Machinery reference meter

  4. Generated energy : sum of the produced energy of the Photovoltaic reference meter

  5. Surplus energy: sum of the exported energy of the Main Supply meter

  6. PV self-consumed energy (%) = PV consumed energy * 100 / consumed energy = [Generated - Exported] * 100 / [Machinery consumption]

  7. Net energy (%) = Net Energy * 100 / Consumed energy = [Main Supply electricity] * 100 / [Machinery consumption]

  8. Total cost saved = Cost of Machinery - Cost of consumed energy from Main Supply + Cost of exported energy from Main Supply

  9. Economical balance

    1. Power term (is the same with PV and without PV). Is the total cost for Power (Cost of the power term + excesses + other costs and taxes)

    2. Net energy cost without PV [NECw/outPV] : Cost of Machinery consumption

    3. Net energy cost with PV [NECwPV] : Cost of Main Supply consumption

    4. Surplus energy cost [SEC] = Cost of Main Supply exported energy

  10. Accumulated savings (natural year) = [NECw/outPV] - [NECwPV] + [SEC] = [Machinery consumption cost] - [Main Supply consumption cost] + [Main Supply exported energy cost]

  11. Produced energy (natural year) from the Photovoltaic reference meter

  12. Consumption evolution graph
    It will always show a natural year, so it will take the year from the “from” of the period selected and show the data from the 1st of January to the 31st of December for that year.

    1. Net energy : Monthly Main Supply consumption

    2. Autoconsumed PV energy : Monthly [Machinery consumption - Main Supply consumption]

    3. Surplus energy : Monthly Main Supply exported energy

  13. Daily Average generation : Photovoltaic (generated energy) / Days_of_period

  14. Daily Average consumption : Machinery consumption / Days_of_period

  15. Average day

    1. Consumption = Hourly Machinery consumption

      1. The consumption of the whole period is aggregated by hour (24h)

      2. For each hour : Machinery consumption / Days_of_period

    2. PV Generation = Hourly Photovoltaic generation

      1. The generation of the whole period is aggregated by hour (24h)

      2. For each hour : Photovoltaic generation / Days_of_period

  16. Emissions avoided this year

    1. Tn/CO2 emissions = Photovoltaic generation [for natural year] * coeffCO2

    2. Trees emissions = Photovoltaic generation [for natural year] * coeffTrees

  17. Emissions avoided during the period

    1. Tn/CO2 emissions = Photovoltaic generation [for selected period] * coeffCO2

    2. Trees emissions = Photovoltaic generation [for selected period] * coeffTrees



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