In this article, you will learn how to use Detect based on the information presented in the product's user interface. If you are not familiar with the value that the product creates, you can check our article about discovering Detect.
Detect's user interface has two views: the portfolio visualisation and the individual locations' visualisation. This article explains the content for all the visualisations, so it is divided into the following sections:
Portfolio visualisation
The portfolio visualisation includes every location in the account. In the visualisation you will find the following elements:
Map with all the locations and their efficiency score: This will help you visualise where your locations are and how their efficiency is distributed.
Results from benchmarking, including the savings potential and the efficiency score: In the portfolio view you will visualise an average of the score and improvement potential across all the locations.
Top 5 less efficient buildings in your account: This summary table displays the locations in your portfolio with the highest improvement potential.
League table with all your locations: This table serves as an extended version of the previous one, displaying all locations in your account. The table can be sorted by all its columns: activity, total annual consumption, savings potential, efficiency improvement potential and efficiency score.
Data Quality Analysis: This section can help you identify possible incidences regarding data quality within your portfolio, you can check more details on our specific article about Detect data quality.
Portfolio analysis visualisations: Detect offers several visualisations including all your locations to provide you with tools to analyse your portfolio, like the following:
Individual locations' visualisation
For each location, you will be able to see the following items:
Basic information: Including some metadata and the reliability of the results
Benchmarking results: The efficiency score & the savings potential
Comparison of each building with the most efficient and the average building among its similar buildings:
Consumption for the last 12 months, displaying what part of that consumption was under or over the average consumption for similar buildings:
Monthly energy behaviour: providing metrics on the location's consumption for the last 12 months
Recommendations and energy tips: Providing advice on what energy measures could be applied to the building. For more information, check our articles on an introduction to recommendations and each recommendation in detail.
Results availability
All the results that have been presented in this article are generated monthly. This means that once you have the monthly results for the past month, the following update will be available once the current month has finished.
However, if you find that one location has been discarded and you fix its configuration, the results will be updated in a maximum of 7 days after you applied the changes.
Filtering options
In any screen within Detect, there are two different filtering options:
- Tags and the hierarchy of locations, as available in the rest of the EM platform, you can check this article on how to use tags and the hierarchy of locations.
- Filters specific to Detect, including:
- Building attributes: Information about the building, such as its activity, its degree days and others.
- Energy insights: Results obtained from the Benchmarking, including potential savings and the efficiency score.
- Actionable measures: All energy measures suggested to be applied to all locations.
Building attributes
Building attributes are divided into four categories:
- Configuration attributes: Including location metadata such as the activity or the surface
- Geolocation attributes: Including information about the geographical location of each building
- Custom attributes: Obtained from the users' configuration. In order to get any variable as a filtering custom attribute, it needs to have the format <key>==<value>. You can check more in this article.
- Calculated attributes: Obtained from internal calculations, such as degree days.