Virtual devices in-bulk


In this article, you will learn how to set up Virtual devices in-bulk.


Why Virtual devices in-bulk?

As you might know, the EM platform allows you to set up any virtual device you desire as a result of a formula applied to a set of real devices that the platform has access to. In order to do it, you need to have installed the Virtual devices app.

This process has become very popular among our customers, to the point of needing a tool to massively create such devices.

For this reason, we have implemented an Excel file in order to be able to set up several virtual devices with different formulas all at once.

The process for this configuration is similar to the regular in-bulk set up of the platform: You need to set up your virtual devices in the Virtual devices in-bulk Excel file (attached in this article) and, after that, send it to our support team at They will upload the file for you and with a blink of an eye you will find all your devices automatically set up in your account.


Set up your Virtual devices in-bulk Excel file

You can find the Virtual devices in-bulk Excel file template attached at the end of this article.

This template contains the option to create formulas with up to 52 variables, but this can be extended if needed.


The setup of each virtual device is divided by columns:

  • ID: Incremental ID (automatic)
  • Account: ID of the account in which you want to set up the virtual devices
  • Destination device key/name: Key of the new virtual device that will be created
  • Destination gateway key: Key of the gateway in which the device will be created
  • Destination parameter key: Parameter key of the resulting device (a selector of the list of Dexma parameters is provided)
  • Destination resolution: Resolution of the destination parameter
  • Destination formula: Formula that needs to be applied to calculate the virtual device (use vN for Variable N)
  • Variable 1-N:
    • device_key: key of the device that will be variableX in the formula
    • gateway_key: key of the gateway in which the previous device is created
    • param: parameter key of the given device (a selector of the list of Dexma parameters is provided)

After the template is completely filled, please send the resulting Excel file to our Support team at, so they can import it in the platform, and done! Enjoy your new virtual devices!



However, before proceeding with filling out the template, keep in mind that this task involves an additional time commitment. For further details, please consult your Customer Success Engineer.

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