Custom Parameters


The Custom Parameters will allow you to fulfil the needs that might arise while trying to monitor and analyse the behaviour of your buildings in a more personalised and specific way. With them you will be able to monitor not only the standard parameters the platform offers but also the ones you create with the units you decide.

In this article will explain how to create a custom parameter:


Creating a new custom parameter

To create a custom parameter, you need to go through the following steps:

  • First of all, you have to go to the Parameters screen in the Configuration menu.


  • In the top Custom Parameters section, select the add symbol. A pop-up window will open where you can configure the new custom parameter.


    • Enter a name for the new parameter.
    • Select a formula in case you want to display a different value than the one you upload for this new parameter. In case this field is left empty, the same value you insert will be uploaded to the platform.
      • NOTE: this field can be used for example, if we upload data for this new parameter in some units, but we want to display it in others, with the formula we can adapt this display. It is worth mentioning that this will happen for all the data inserted with this parameter, in all the devices of the account.
    • Select the units that the new parameter will have.
    • Select its nature: accumulated or instantaneous.
      • NOTE: this field is very important since when we are going to insert data for the new parameter, this will be done following the steps already explained in the introduction to the standard parameters. 

Example of a custom parameter: Creating the Chairs Production parameter

Following the previously defined steps, we are going to create the parameter to monitor the production of chairs:

  • Name: Production of chairs
  • Formula: we will introduce x*1, since the values to be inserted in this parameter will be the chairs produced as such.
  • Unit: Chairs
  • Nature: accumulated, since the production of any element is accumulated over time.


Inserting a custom parameter

The insertion works in exactly the same way as with the other parameters but using the new corresponding ID. This can easily be found in the list of custom parameters:


Using this ID the parameters will be inserted in basic frequency. If we want to insert the parameter in discrete form, two digits can be added to this ID, depending on whether the parameter is accumulated or instantaneous and following the same rules as explained in the introduction to the standard parameters.


Displaying the new custom parameters

You can view and analyse the new parameters in the Analysis screen, in the "By Device" tab or the Advanced Analytics tab or in the "By Parameter" widgets in the Dashboards.


Parameter display in Dashboards.



Parameter display in Analysis -> By device.



Parameter display in Advanced Analytics.

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