Configure your profile


In this article, you will learn how to configure your user profile.

Profile Settings

Clicking into your user icon, you can select My account in order to modify any of your user fields that might change the way you visualize the Platform.

  • Here you can change your profile picture.
  • Email changes, be aware of changing it here too, as the Platform will keep sending your reports and alerts to the designated email.
  • You can also change your preferred language among all the available languages in the Platform and your timezone (for visualization purposes in the Analysis screen).
  • On the other hand, there's a very useful section where you are allowed to increase the number of items to view in lists and the number of readings to view in lists. This is related to the pagination of the platform, by default showing 20 items per page.
    You can change this in order to visualize longer lists of devices, accounts, datapoints... (any type of list in the Platform) and, therefore, fewer pages.
  • Finally, you can change here your password too. Check out this article to understand how to do so.


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