In this article you're going to learn how to create apps specific for locations.
Contents of this article:
- Introduction
- How to set up your apps through the location screen
- List of pre-configured Apps
- Configuration details of each app
The EMS platform offers the possibility of adding extra functionalities by adding apps. You can add apps already available on the Market App or create your own ones.
How to set up apps through the location screen
Thanks to the open API you can create your own apps to widen the platform functionalities to adapt better to your case. If you want to configure an app to be configured per location follow these steps:
1. Go to the Account Management section
2. Click on Market Apps on the account management left menu.
3. Click on New Market App
4. On the URL's section -> View -> Click on Add a View
5. Choose where will the app will be configured. Location options are:
- Location tabs - zone
- Location tabs - Location
- Location tabs - Sublocation
Learn more about how to create apps using our API. Next, you have examples of apps that are configured on the location screen.
List of pre-configured Apps
The EMS platform offers the possibility of adding Apps available on our Apps market. These are the apps that need to be configured through the location screen available on the apps market:
Configuration details of each app
Carbon emissions
This App allows you to analyse your Carbon footprint by tracking up 9 different Carbon and Greenhouse Gas Emissions related variables (Methane, Nitrous Oxide...) from all your energy sources. Learn more about Carbon emissions App.
The general configuration of the app appears on the Settings screen, on the left menu, where the emissions are configured.
Once the emissions are defined, you must go to the location screen to assign the devices to the corresponding emissions.
Operating Hours
Configure your Open - Close schedule for your locations, including holidays and special days. Learn more about the Operating Hours App.
The operating hours' app's general configuration appears on the left settings menu, where you must create the Calendars.
After you've created the calendars with the timetables, you must move to the location screen to assign them.
You can add as well specific information about the schedule by adding Special Schedules and Regional and Local holidays.
This App allows you to track your productions by analysing the Energy balance between the generation of your plant, the storage and the energy consumption of your sites. Learn more about Microgrid.
This app is installed per location and the whole configuration has to be done on the location screen.