Custom reports


The Platform allows creating custom reports in an easy way. 

Thus, you can generate predefined reports (electrical bill simulation, basic energy, weekly pro, etc) or create your own custom report templates.

In order to create your custom reports, you should follow the following schema


In this article, the steps that need to be followed in order to create a custom report in the platform will be explained, as well as how to customize them. It has the following sections:

  1. Create a new report template
  2. Adding a Consumption object into a custom report 
  3. Adding a Comparison object into a custom report
  4. Adding an MVP project object into a custom report
  5. Adding a Cost object into a custom report
  6. Create a report configuration
  7. Use a custom logo on reports

1. Create a new report template

If you want to learn how to create a new custom report template please refer to the article Create a new custom report template


2. Adding a Consumption object into a custom report

In this section, you are going to learn how to add a Consumption object into a custom report. 

2.1 Add consumption chart to a report template

  1. First of all, let's go to Analysis > Consumption. Select the devices and configuration you want to add into the report and click on "add to report" button below your consumption graph. In this example, the 3 main devices from 3 different supermarkets are going to be selected.

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  1. Then, a pop-up will appear where you will have to indicate the custom template you want to add this new block to and the corresponding interval.


  • Block name: write a distinctive name for the new block
  • Interval: indicate the interval will be plotted the block. It can be: fixed (if you want to show a specific interval of time), last day, so far this week, last 7 days, so far this month, last 28 days, last month, so far this year, last 12 months, etc.
  • Own templates: here you have to select the template where you are going to add the new block. If you haven't created any template yet, you must select "Create a new report template" and write the template name on "New template name" field. For example, Monthly report.  


2.2 Chart types

You can add as many consumption blocks and chart types as you need:
- Line chart
- Bar chart
- Pie chart 

Moreover, you can generate each block normalized by a custom ratio, which will help you to make comparisons between all of your locations.



2.3 Add a summary table into a report template

As before, you can add a summary table into your custom report template. 

In the next example, let's add a summary table of 3 different devices, normalized by the "surface" ratio.


Then, a new pop-up will appear where you should indicate the basic information of the new block added to your custom report template.
  • Block name: write a distinctive name for the new block
  • Interval: indicate the interval will be plotted the block. It can be: fixed (if you want to show a specific interval of time), last day, so far this week, last 7 days, so far this month, last 28 days, last month, so far this year, last 12 months, etc.
  • Compare with: period to compare with. y¡You can choose between the previous period, same period last year or any period. 
  • Order table by: order the table by one of the columns of the table. You can sort ascending or descending. 
  • Own templates: here you have to select the template where you are going to add the new block. If you haven't created any template yet, you must select "Create a new report template" and write the template name on "New template name" field. In that example, you are going to add the summary table to the report previously created: Monthly report.  

Once you have added all the blocks into the report template, it's time to generate the custom reports, explained here!


3. Adding a Comparison object into a custom report

In this section, you are going to learn how to add a Comparison object into a custom report. 

3.1 Add consumption chart to a report template

  1. First of all, let's go to Analysis > Comparison > and click on "add to report" button below your comparison graph.


  1. Then, a pop-up will appear where you will have to indicate the custom template you want to add this new block to and the corresponding interval.


  • Block name: write a distinctive name for the new block
  • Interval: indicate the interval for which the block will be plotted. It can be: fixed (if you want to show a specific interval of time), or by reference (where it will be taken the reference periods and window previously selected). 
  • Own templates: here you have to select the template where you are going to add the new block. If you haven't created any template yet, you must select "Create a new report template" and write the template name on "New template name" field. For example, Monthly report

When choosing the interval by reference, there are two options:


  • Ongoing interval (forward): It will display the information the same way it is displayed on the platform. The reference date is the first date shown in the graph.
  • Completed interval (backward): In this case, it will be displayed the previous period to the reference date.

3.2 Chart types

You can add as many consumption blocks and chart types as you need:
- Line chart
- Bar chart for the base period
- Aggregated chart 

Moreover, you can generate each block normalized by a custom ratio, or using the hour filter which will help you to analyse your devices in a more accurate way.


3.3 Add a summary table into a report template

As before, you can add a summary table into your custom report template. 
Then, a new pop-up will appear where you should indicate the basic information of the new block added to your custom report template.
  • Block name: write a distinctive name for the new block
  • Interval: indicate the interval for which the block will be plotted. It can be: fixed (if you want to show a specific interval of time), the day before, so far this week, last 7 days, so far this month, last 28 days, last month, so far this year, last 12 months, etc.
  • Order table by: order the table by one of the columns of the table. You can sort ascending or descending. 
  • Own templates: here you have to select the template where you are going to add the new block. If you haven't created any template yet, you must select "Create a new report template" and write the template name on "New template name" field. In that example, you are going to add the summary table to the report previously created: Monthly report.  
Once you have added all the blocks into the report template, it's time to generate the custom reports, explained here!


4. Adding an M&V project object into a custom report

In this section, you are going to learn how to add an MVP object into a custom report. 

4.1 Add an M&V Project chart to a report template

  1. First of all, let's go to Analysis > M&V Projects > and click on "add to report" button below your cost graph. 


  1. Then, a pop-up will appear where you will have to indicate the custom template you want to add this new block to and the corresponding interval.


  • Block name: write a distinctive name for the new block
  • Interval: indicate the interval will be ploted the block. It can be: fixed (if you want to show an specific interval of time), last day, so far this week, last 7 days, so far this month, last 28 days, last month, so far this year, last 12 months, etc.
  • Own templates: here you have to select the template where you are going to add the new block. If you haven't created any template yet, you must select "Create a new report template" and write the template name on "New template name" field. For example, Monthly report


4.2 Add a summary table into a report template

As before, you can add a summary table into your custom report template with the information of the reference consumption and the real consumption. 


  • Block name: write a distinctive name for the new block
  • Interval: indicate the interval will be plotted the block. It can be: fixed (if you want to show a specific interval of time), last day, so far this week, last 7 days, so far this month, last 28 days, last month, so far this year, last 12 months, etc.
  • Own templates: here you have to select the template where you are going to add the new block. If you haven't created any template yet, you must select "Create a new report template" and write the template name on "New template name" field. In that example, you are going to add the summary table to the report previously created: Monthly report.

Once you have added all the blocks into the report template, it's time to generate the custom reports, explained here!


5. Adding a Cost object into a custom report

In this section, you are going to learn how to add a Cost object into a custom report. 

5.1 Add cost chart to a report template

  1. First of all, let's go to Analysis > Cost > and click on "add to report" button below your cost graph. 


  1. Then, a pop-up will appear where you will have to indicate the custom template you want to add this new block to and the corresponding interval.


  • Block name: write a distinctive name for the new block
  • Interval: indicate the interval will be plotted the block. It can be: fixed (if you want to show a specific interval of time), last day, so far this week, last 7 days, so far this month, last 28 days, last month, so far this year, last 12 months, etc.
  • Own templates: here you have to select the template where you are going to add the new block. If you haven't created any template yet, you must select "Create a new report template" and write the template name on "New template name" field. For example, Monthly report


5.2 Add a summary table into a report template

As before, you can add a summary table into your custom report template of the selected device broken down by periods. 

In the following example, you will add a summary table of the main load where is indicated the consumption and cost by periods regarding the associated contract. 


  • Block name: write a distinctive name for the new block
  • Interval: indicate the interval will be plotted the block. It can be: fixed (if you want to show a specific interval of time), last day, so far this week, last 7 days, so far this month, last 28 days, last month, so far this year, last 12 months, etc.
  • Compare with: period to compare with. You can choose between the previous period, same period last year or any period. 
  • Order table by: order the table by one of the columns of the table. You can sort ascending or descending. 
  • Own templates: here you have to select the template where you are going to add the new block. If you haven't created any template yet, you must select "Create a new report template" and write the template name on "New template name" field. In that example, you are going to add the summary table to the report previously created: Monthly report.  
Once you have added all the blocks into the report template, it's time to generate the custom reports, explained here!


6. Create a report configuration

Once you have created your custom report templates and you have added all the blocks you need, it's time to generate a "configuration" in order to create the reports in HTML, pdf, Excel or CSV in an automatic way. 

For that, you have to go to the "Reports" menu and click on "New report". Then, select the custom template and click on Next. 


Then, you should indicate the basic information of the reports and its configuration. Here, you will be able to automatize the reports generation according to the report trigger desired.
  • Title: distinctive name of the report
  • Language: desired language which the reports will be generated
  • Logo: logo selection (if you have one) which will appear on the reports' header
  • Show titles: option which allows showing or not the title of the blocks
  • Users allowed to this report: users who can visualize this report
  • Send by email?: users who will receive the custom report by email
  • Raw data export: option to generate an Excel or CSV file with the raw data and the graphs of your report.
  • Report trigger: it can be unique, monthly or weekly. You can also select the day of the month or the week that the reports are going to be sent. That could be useful if you are not monitoring in real time and you want to schedule a specific time
  • Blocks: is listed all the blocks added previously to this report template. Here you can edit or add more devices for each block.   


Save the desired configuration, and the reports will be generated automatically. The custom reports will be generated in HTML and you can download them on pdf. The report can also be downloaded in Excel and CSV formats as long as this option was pre-selected in the configuration menu.

Note: the option to download the reports as a CSV or excel file will only be available in the case that you have chosen the option on the custom report configuration and if the contents of the report can be downloaded as excel files on the platform screen where they come from. (Ex: tables can't be downloaded by excel on the platform so if the report contains table won't have the option of being download as an excel file.)


7. Use a custom logo on reports

Follow these steps to configure and use different logos in your the platform reports. 

1) Request an activation code to

Send an email to asking for an activation code as you will be requested for it in the next step.

2) Upload a logo

  • First Log in to the platform with your SuperAdmin account.

Once in the platform, go to your "Account management"Eng_7.png

  • Click on the "Logo" option on the left hand menu



  • Upload your logo. The format recommended is a jpeg format with 150x50px


  • Select if this is going to be a Customer Logo or a Partner Logo
  • Fill the activation logo code field with the code provided by Depending on your sales agreement you might have a limit of free Logos available.
  • Save the form and your logo will be ready to get used

3) Set a default logo in a specific account

  • If you would like to always use the same logo in a specific account, you just need to configure it as the "Reports logo".
  • Log in as SuperAdmin and click on "Account Management".
  • Edit the account where you want to preset the logo.
  • In the form, select the preset logo from the logo dropdown.
  • Save the form. You're done!


4) Use a logo when creating a report

Now the easy part ;)

When creating / editing a new report, select the desired logo from the Logo dropdown available. That's it!


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