Cost and Energy


In this article, you will learn everything about the Cost and Energy report.


The Cost and Energy report makes a deep analysis for the most important factors in an energy efficiency project: Energy consumption and its cost. It's a double-sided report, analyzing the cost by tariff time bands, giving interesting ratios concerning average cost per kWh consumed, daily average cost, etc. 

On the second side of the report, a thermal consumption matrix is showed, for the average week, helping Energy Managers to identify major density energy consumption hours, and detect inefficiencies.  

Available frequencies

  • Monthly
  • On-demand

Available Energy Sources

  • Electricity
  • Gas
  • Water


  • By device or group


  • Devices with data
  • Supply with currently active prices assigned to each device
  • 30min frequency data (check specially with groups that this frequency is available). Essencial to calculate cost.

Report detail

Report explanation - Side A


  1. Report title. Report gets its title from the report configuration wizard. 
  2. Date range for the report. This report is available on-demand or in a monthly automation, so each 1st day of the month you will get the report. Below, it appears the report device name where data is acquired.
  3. Customer and location basic information, such as surface, location name or customer name.
  4. This chart shows the cost for the report time range, day by day, disaggregating it by tariff time bands, if necessary.
  5. Ratios concerning energy and cost for the reported period. The average price per kWh is very useful to make further analysis or to fast quantify the ROI of energy efficiency projects.
  6. Summary table for cost chart, including price, consumption and cost for each tariff band period.
  7. These charts show the consumption for each day compared with the previous period of time, in a daily frequency.
  8. Energy and power figures, such as maximum demand, total consumed energy and Utilization factor. The Utilization factor, in hours, divides the total consumption by the maximum demand and explains de equivalent hours that you have been consuming at the maximum load.
  9. Summary table for energy consumption, focusing the analysis in the max and min hourly and daily consumed energy. In addition, the difference versus the previous period it's included. 


Report explanation - Side B


  1. Report title. Report gets its title from the report configuration wizard. 
  2. Date range for the report. This report is only available in a weekly automation, so each Monday you will get the report. Below, it appears the report device name where data is acquired.
  3. Customer and location basic information, such as surface, location name or customer name.
  4. Consumption distribution analysis, hour by hour. This analysis takes the average consumption for each hour of the week, from the weeks that take part in the report. A 24x7 matrix with the results is printed, adding global average column and row. On the right hand, a density chart is printed as an output from the average hourly matrix. This chart helps the Energy Manager to detect inefficiencies between days of the week and also to know in what time ranges our facility consumes more energy. 
  5. Consumption versus cost analysis. Two different pie charts are shown in this section, for the tariff time bands distribution, focusing on energy and cost.  

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