In this article you are going to learn how to use the Single KPI widget.
The structure of this article is:
The single KPI is a widget that displays a value from a specific parameter or cost as an indicator. For example, it can show the last day, last week or last month of data of that parameter.
The available periods are all the ones available in the platform: today, yesterday, last 7 days, last 28 days, ...
This KPI widget is set up and displays different information depending on the source of the data that you want to visualise:
Raw analysis - by parameter
The KPI widget for the raw analysis data source shows the data for a specific device and parameter.
Keep reading to learn how to set it up!
- To have data available for the parameter selected
- Note that any parameter from the platform can be selected
To set up this widget, you need to have a Dashboard created beforehand.
- Go to the dashboard and click on Edit Dashboard on the top right of the Dashboard.
- Click on "Add widget".
- Select the data source "Raw analysis - by parameter"
- Select the Single KPI widget in the Indicators section.
- Select the parameter that you want to visualise
- Select the device that you want to visualise the data from.
- Select the operation that you want to apply to the parameter.
- Select the period of time for which you want to visualise the data. (ie: today, last month).
- Optionally select the comparison period to which you want the value to be compared.
Now the widget is ready, and it will be added to your Dashboard when you save it!
Remember that once saved you can change the size, modifying the Dashboard layout.
Widget detailing
The widget shows:
- The % of data available for the period of data selected
- NOTE: The % of available data will be counted depending on the resolution selected in the widget. For example, if you select daily resolution and there is all data up to yesterday, 100% of the data available will be displayed, regardless of the fact that there is no data for today, as the day will not be over yet.
- The value of data according to the settings defined
- The parameter that's being selected. The icon and colour are defined by the parameter
- The device the widget is showing data from
- The period that has been selected in the settings
- The comparison value with the period selected. For now, the colour of this comparison value will be green/red/gray depending on the parameter, for example:
- For Electricity consumption, if it has increased it will be red. If it has decreased, it will be green, like in the picture.
- For Temperature, it will remain gray.
Cost - by device
The KPI widget for the cost data source shows the cost for a specific device. It can show the total cost or the cost of specific concepts (consumption, excess reactive, demand excess, contracted load, taxes).
Keep reading to learn how to set it up!
- To have data available for the energy source selected
- To have an active supply associated to the device selected
To set up this widget, you need to have a Dashboard created beforehand.
- Go to the dashboard and click on Edit Dashboard on the top right of the Dashboard.
- Click on "Add widget".
- Select the data source "Cost - by device"
- Select the Single KPI widget in the Indicators section.
- Select the energy source for which you want to visualise the cost
- Select the device that you want to visualise the data from.
- Select the cost concept that you want to show in the widget (consumption, excess reactive, demand excess, contracted load, taxes or total).
- Select the period of time for which you want to visualise the data. (ie: today, last month).
Now the widget is ready, and it will be added to your Dashboard when you save it!
Note: The reactive energy excess concept is calculated over a given closed billing period, usually a month. For this reason, the platform doesn't allow selecting any frequency higher than the monthly one, as calculating the cost for any higher resolution would be wrong.
Widget detailing
The widget shows:
- The value of data according to the settings defined
- The cost concept that's being selected
- The device the widget is showing data from
- The period that has been selected in the settings