Pie chart widget


In this article you are going to learn how to use the Pie chart widget.



The Pie chart is a widget that displays the distribution of the data of a specific parameter under the different devices selected in the settings of the widget.



Available frequencies and periods

  • The frequency of the parameter doesn't apply in this widget
  • The available periods are all the ones available in the platform: today, yesterday, last 7 days, last 28 days,...


  • To have data available for the parameter selected
  • Any parameter can be selected



To set up this widget, you need to have a Dashboard created beforehand.

  1. Go to the dashboard and click on Edit Dashboard on the top right of the Dashboard.
  2. Click on "Add widget".
  3. Select the Pie chart widget in the Charts section.
  4. Select one or several devices that you want to visualise the data from.
  5. Select the operation that you want to apply to the parameter.
  6. Select the period of time for which you want to visualise the data. (ie: today, last month).

Now the widget is ready and it will be added to your Dashboard when you save it!


Widget detailing

The widget shows:

  • The % of data of each device selected from the total amount of data
  • When hovering over each section, the exact value of data will be shown
  • A legend underneath the pie chart shows which color represents each device


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