In this article you are going to learn how to pin a Dashboard.
Pin your Dashboard
After the launching of the New Dashboards, we are excited to announce that you can now pinyour Dashboard for every user of the deployment, making them to land on the pinned dashboard when the user logs into the platform. This will enhance your user experience as they will get value from the moment they log in.
To pin your dashboard you will need to go to the Dashboards module through the left-hand menu, click the dashboard 3-dots options: , and select Pin dashboard, from the desired dashboard:
To pin a dashboard you will need to have an admin or superadmin role.
Additionally, the dashboard will need to be Public.
Please note that you can only pin one dashboard per account.
In case you want to have a view of your favourite dashboards, you can do so by starring them, hence the starred dashboards will appear listed on the top of your dashboards view, but other users will not see it as starred as it works per user, and not per account. Learn how to Star your Dashboards here.
Highlights - Use Case with Reference Devices
You can combine the pinning dashboards with a dashboard that is using reference device widgets, meaning that with one unique dashboard you can provide service to all users from the account.
In other words, imagine that a user, that has access to one location of your account logs in the platform, the Welcome Screen will display your pinned dashboard with that location's data.
This behaviour is possible, because a user, having access to only one account, when they log in the platform, the location selected by default in the upper hierarchy menu, is the one they have access to.
In case the user has access to more than one location, the location selected by default will be the Global one, which aggregates all the locations.
Note: We would recommend pinning your dashboard with reference devices only if you can guarantee that all users will see data.
Currently, dynamic widgets by reference device can be displayed in all location types without distinction.
However, Zone or Global locations will aggregate up to a maximum of 20 locations at the moment. We are working on increasing this aggregation very soon.
Learn more about widgets by reference device (dynamic by location) here.