Sharing Dashboards


In this article you are going to learn how to share a Dashboard.

There are 2 different options to share your dashboards:


Share dashboards via link

To share a dashboard, it should be created beforehand. Learn how to create a Dashboard here.

Note: the possibility to obtain the "Link" will only be available on accounts with PRO or higher licences, but not on Starter and One licences.

Get the link

Once the dashboard is created, go to the top right menu of the dashboard and click on Link.


In the pop-up menu, you will be able to:

  • Copy the link to share outside the platform
  • Get the embed code, to share it in your website.
  • Reset the access link (to generate a new one)

Anyone with that link will be able to access your Dashboard without logging into the platform.

For dashboards with dynamic widgets, please note that the link to share will be different for each location of the account, meaning that the link for a specific location will contain the information filtered for that specific location.


Visualise your dashboards in a tablet / mobile phone

The new dashboards are very responsive, so you can visualise and interact with the dashboard's widgets from your tablet or mobile phone very easily.


You can also create a direct link to any of your dashboards from the desktop of your tablet or your mobile phone. Consult the manufacturer of your model to learn how to do this.


Share dashboards inside the platform, with profiles of users

To share a dashboard, this one should be created beforehand. Learn how to create a Dashboard here.

To share it with a profile of users, the profile of users should also be created beforehand. Learn how to create a profile of users here.

Once the dashboard and the profiles of users have been created, you can share your dashboard following the next steps:

1. Go to your dashboards management, and click on share dashboard:


2. In the floating box, select the profiles you want to share your dashboard with. Then decide for each profile if they should have Editing or just View access.


3. In case you want to remove any, you can remove access also from here


4. If you want to share your dashboard with any user that might get inside your account, you can make the dashboard public. Click on the checkbox in the bottom left corner. This option, will make the dashboard public for all type of users.

5. Once you have shared your dashboard with the profile that you desire, just click on save and in the Dashboards management screen you will see the Accesses for each of your dashboards:




Even if you give Edit access to a Dashboard, the user in the profile with Edit access will not be able to share this Dashboard.

The user who has created the Dashboard will be the only user with the capability to share it.


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