Microgrid module


In this article, you will learn how to use the Microgrid module in the energy management platform. Also, at the end of this article you will find a sample of data so you can try this feature if you do not have data for it.



In this article, you will learn how to use the Microgrid module, integrated into the energy management platform and available in the Analytics module. Here are its main features:

  • System configuration: Use reference devices, either manually or in bulk.
  • Create custom analyses: Use the Microgrid module to compare various parameters and devices.
  • Share dashboards: Share dashboards with end-users, both on laptops and mobile devices.
  • Automatic calculations: Automatically calculate Microgrid components and indicators, such as self-sufficiency and self-consumption.
  • Centralized management: Manage all your installations on a single platform, integrated with Huawei FusionSolar SmartLogger and Sungrow COM100, with API options for custom integrations.



Firstly, it is necessary to explain the nomenclature used in this module, which can be divided into components and indicators:


  • Import: Electricity imported from the grid [kWh].
  • Export: Electricity exported to the grid [kWh].
  • Production: Electricity produced in the location (solar, wind, ...) [kWh].
  • Consumption: Electricity consumed in the location [kWh].
  • Storage charge: Electricity saved in batteries [kWh].
  • Storage discharge: Electricity consumed from batteries [kWh].


  • Self-consumption: Part of the production which is not exported to the grid [kWh].
  • Self-consumption ratio: Percentage of production that is consumed in the location [%].
  • Self-sufficiency: Part of consumption which doesn't come from the grid [kWh].
  • Self-sufficiency ratio: Percentage of consumption that comes from the production [%].


The configuration of this tool is done from reference devices. First, it is necessary to check if the following type of reference are accepted in preferences:

  • In Electricity:
    • Main Supply
    • Total Consumption
    • Storage Charge (only if you are using batteries)
    • Storage Discharge (only if you are using batteries)
  • In Produced Electricity:
    • Exportation
    • Production

Each of these reference meters relates to one microgrid component:

Microgrid component In the current reference device structure
Energy source Reference device Parameter
Import Electricity Main supply 402
Export Produced electricity Exportation 452
Production Produced electricity Production * 452
Consumption Electricity Total consumption 402
Storage charge Electricity Storage charge 402
Storage discharge Electricity Storage charge 452

*Careful! Selecting photovoltaic is a very common mistake


In order to use Microgrid, it is necessary to meet the following requirements of configuration per location:

  • If the installation doesn't have batteries: 
    • Requires configuration of 3 out of 4: Import / Produce / Export / Consumption
  • If the installation has batteries: 
    • Requires configuration of 5 out of 6: Import / Produce / Discharge / Export / Consumption / Charge 



As stated in the requirements, it is not necessary to have defined all the components. Calculations of components are done in such a way:

  • If the installation doesn't have batteries
    • You need to configure at least 3 components out of 4 from Import / Produce / Export / Consumption → 4th component will be calculated automatically according to the formula: Import + Production = Export + Consumption
      • If the result is < 0 → there is data absence
    • If all 4 components are configured, no calculation will be done, and the readings from the devices are the ones presented in the Microgrid feature.
  • If the installation has batteries
    • You need to configure at least 5 components out of 6 from Import / Produce / Export / Consumption / Storage charge / Storage discharge → 6th component will be calculated automatically according to the formula:

      Import + Production + Storage discharge = Export + Consumption + Storage Charge

      • If the result is < 0 → there is data absence

    • If all 6 components are configured, no calculation will be done, and the readings from the devices are the ones presented in the Microgrid feature.


Aside from calculating the missing Microgrid components, this module also calculates automatically the following indicators:

  • Self-consumption
    • Self-consumption = Produced - Exported
      • If the result is < 0 → 0
  • Self-sufficiency
    • Self-sufficiency = Consumed - Imported
      • If the result is < 0 → 0
  • Self-consumption ratio
    • Self-consumption ratio = (Produced - Exported) / Produced x 100
      • If the result is < 0 → data absence
      • If Produced = 0 → data absence
  • Self-sufficiency ratio
    • Self-sufficiency ratio = (Consumed - Imported) / Consumed x 100
      • If the result is < 0 → data absence
      • If Consumed = 0 → data absence


To visualize the results, you can use Analytics screen adding "Microgrid" data block. 

Also remember that, as with any analysis done with Analytics, you can directly copy your Microgrid analysis to a Dashboard.

Plot visualisation options

The following visualisation options are available:

  • Default
  • Line
  • Area
  • Column
  • Stacked areas 
  • Stacked column
  • Heatmap *
  • Scatter plot *
  • Pie chart
  • KPI *
  • Aggregated columns
  • Summary table

* These options are available only for one timeseries

It's important to mention that Default and Stacked areas have different visualisation depending on if selecting a component or an indicator.

  • Default
    • Components in stacked bars
    • Indicators in non-stacked lines

  • Stacked areas
    • Components in stacked areas
    • Indicators in non-stacked lines

For all other visualisation options, both Components and Indicators are shown in the same way.

Plot suggestions

Here you can find some examples of plots that can be obtained using Microgrid tool.

  • Weekly analysis


  • Yearly overview


  • Production vs Solar Radiation scatter plot


  • Self-sufficiency analysis


  • Self-consumption analysis



If you do not have solar data, here there is a sample of data for June and July 2024, so you can try Microgrid module and see how it works.

In order to use this data, you will have to insert this Excel file in one of yours gateways and follow the steps that have been described in this article.

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