Using the Consumption Feature in the Platform


In this article we are going to learn how to use the consumption feature in the EMS platform.



The Consumption feature allows us to visualize the evolution of our installation, the actual consumption and the potential inefficiencies through charts and tables. 



Available frequencies

The available frequencies in this screen are the ones that you have configured in the Preferences section of the Platform (Settings --> Preferences).

It can go from 5min to monthly.

Screenshot 2023-11-02 at 14.44.53.png


Available energy sources

The available energy sources by default are electricity, Gas and Water. However, these are all the available sources with the consumption parameter associated:

  • Electricity - 402
  • Gas - 420
  • Gas (Vol) - 419
  • Gas (NVol) - 421
  • Water - 901
  • Diesel - 433
  • Diesel (Vol) - 432
  • Produced electricity - 452
  • Thermal (heating) - 802
  • Thermal (cooling) - 810
  • Compressed Air Volume - 435
  • Liquefied natural gas energy (LNG) - 471
  • Biomass - 473
  • Normalised energy - 510

Remember that you can easily activate new Energy Sources going to Settings -> Preferences.

Screenshot 2023-11-02 at 14.32.34.png


In order to see data in the Consumption screen you need a few things first:

  1. To send data to the platform
  2. To accept the devices and datapoints generated when the data gets into the platform
  3. To assign those devices to their corresponding location

Remember that you can only visualize energy data in this screen (and additionally water).
To visualise data of other types of parameters, you should go to Advanced Analytics, the New Pages, in the "by Parameter" analysis or in the Dashboards.


How does it work?

1. Select the energy source that you want to analyse.

2. Select the devices or groups that you want to analyse. 

3. Select the dates you want to visualise.

4. Choose the data frequency.

5. Click update.


If we want to normalize consumption we can apply ratios. 


Data display

The platform offers the possibility of changing the type of chart. There are the following available:

  • Line
  • Bar
  • Pie
  • Stacked Bars.


Through the summary table we can check in a detailed way the most significant data of the chosen devices. In order to compare which device is consuming more. This is very helpful in comparing similar devices. 



Exporting data

The data from the screen can be exported in 3 different ways:

  • As an Excel File
  • As a picture (only in the case of the chart)
  • As a Custom report block, both graph and table.  For more information, click here.  


Tips and tricks

1. Zoom



2. Add all the available devices

If we write * in devices all the devices are added.
If we do the same after "floor" for example, as in this case, all the devices including "floor" in their name will be added.


3. Move the time coordinate

We can use the arrows place above the graph for moving in the time line. They indicate the previous and following period


4. Consumption download

The consumption feature can be used as well for downloading data from a device in a chosen period of time.


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